- Direct BCD For 3-digit displays. With 12 entries, the 3-digit values are encoded. The remaining 2 inputs allow you to activate the decimal points.
- BCD multiplexed. For displays of up to 7 digits. With 8 entries, the 7-digit values and their corresponding decimal points can be encoded.
- Accountant. For displays of up to 10 digits. It has pre-selection, zeroing, increment and decrement load inputs. Possibility of selecting fast or slow entries. Value retention without power.
- Tachometer. For 3, 4 or 5 digit displays. It allows to display a value based on the input frequency. It is fully configurable.
- Chronometer. For 3 to 8 digit displays. Allows you to configure a timer in hours: minutes or minutes: seconds in incremental or decremental operation. It has 2 inputs for pre-selection load, zeroing and start / stop input.
- Binary. For displays of up to 5 digits. Displays the decimal value corresponding to the binary value of the 14 inputs. Maximum value: 16383.
- Digit to Digit. In displays of more than 7 digits each entry allows to increase one digit. In 7 or less digit displays the inputs E1 to E7 allow to increase and the inputs E8 to E14 decrease each of the digits.
Industrial numerical display with 100mm digit height (visible from 50 meters), which is intended to be installed in factories, operating centers and all those environments with equipment that has digital signal outputs and that need to show its value.
The functionality of these devices allows:
- The capture of the data through the digital inputs, which make it possible to connect the display to a wide variety of equipment.
- The immediate communication of the values to the public through a set of predefined functions that all the equipment in the range incorporates (counter, tachometer, stopwatch, BCD, digit by digit, binary).
- Its easy configuration to adapt to a wide range of applications. PNP, NPN or 12 to 24V DC contact inputs.
- The evaluation of the behavior of the variables depending on the configuration of the display.
- The Color option, available on some models, allows you to select the color of the digits (red, green, amber) based on the range of user-defined values.
Additional information
Communication ports | Digital inputs |
Digit number | 3 to 10 |
Number of faces | 1, 2 |
Digit color | Red or Tricolor (Green, yellow and red) |
Reading distance | 50 meters |
Protection level | IP41, Optional IP65 |
Digit brightness | 1000 lux or high brightness (Outdoor) |
Power supply | 88VAC to 264VAC 47 to 63Hz, optional 24 VDC |
Control equipment outputs | NPN, PNP or output with relay contacts. |
Number of digits | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Width (mm) | 324 | 414 | 504 | 594 | 684 | 774 | 864 | 954 |
Width with text option (mm) | 504 | 594 | 684 | 774 | 864 | 954 | 1.044 | 1.134 |
Digit Height 100 mm / Height 177 mm / Depth 120 mm
- Option to represent the units of measurement: It can be supplied with a fixed display of different units of measurement, Kg, Tm, ºC, mC, m / s, l / s or any other unit, up to a maximum of 3 characters. The units of measure can be displayed on vinyl or luminous (led).
- IP65 Option (Outdoor): Increases the protection level of the display to IP65.
- Stainless steel box (IP65): The display is manufactured in stainless steel box, suitable for marine environments, food and pharmacy, perfectly fulfilling the characteristics on which the HACCP regulations are based. (Up to 7 digits).
- Tricolor Option: Depending on the values defined by the user, the color of the digits may vary. The possible colors are green, red and amber. To ensure stability in the counter colors, the user can define the hysteresis value.
- 24VDC power option: Allows the display to be powered at 24VDC.
- Double-sided option: Double-sided display manufacturing.
- Serial line option: Supports two types of connection via the serial line: RS-232 and RS-485 / RS-422. For the lines the same connector, type DB-9, is used at the bottom of the device.
- Relay output option: Available on all devices with IP41 protection level. Trigger levels above or below the displayed value can be programmed for each relay, as well as delay time or hysteresis.
- High brightness digits: Ensures a good contrast with direct exterior light.
Installation / assembly manual
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